Our relationship to wesleyan

Wesleyan University Campus.jpeg

The Neighborhood Preschool has had an ongoing relationship with Wesleyan University since 1989, when Wesleyan invited NPS to run a daycare program in facilities it provided. In return, the University asked for priority in admission for children of Wesleyan employees and students, and certain other services to the University, including providing extra hours for faculty meetings and President’s receptions.

The school is housed in on the Wesleyan campus, with its own outdoor, fenced and appropriately equipped play yard. We have two infant/toddler classroom that can accommodate 12 children ages 4 months to 3 years. Our preschool classrooms can accommodate 14 children ages 2.9-5 years old.

The NPS calendar has changed over time to better match the University calendar and the needs of university employees. NPS and Wesleyan cooperate under a contract that is renegotiated every five years to keep it in line with the changing needs of both institutions. Wesleyan has a voting member on the NPS Board, and the university continues to maintain the facilities, provide utilities and services, and occasionally make other University space available for special events — a gallery for the children’s art show, the arena for the annual skating party, and a lecture hall for an annual lecture to parents by a Wesleyan faculty member doing research in a relevant field.

While admission to NPS is prioritized for Wesleyan families, we welcome families from outside of the Wesleyan community!
